First and foremost, I would like to welcome ma'self back to Blogspot ;p I havent been bloggin' for a donkey's years and everyone was like repeatin' to me "hey u still havent updated ur blog ah?? go update ur blog leh!" I went to delete ma old blog coz there were just 10 posts inside in such a long period of time so I'd rather just create a new one and start all over. Gosh.... I used to have a lot, a lot of crap to blog down in the past but now I'm just simply too lazy to even type a single thing here (tho I'm still uber active on MSN hehe). Anyway, from now on I will make an effort to update ma blog when I'm not too tired....
Work for the past week has been horribly busy due to the withdrawal period that takes place twice a year. For those who are still unsure of what sai kang (shit job) I'm doin', I actually work in a school and I handle student matters at the counter. So, I've got ma fair share of experience with shit students and customers, whether they are local or foreigners. They give me headache all the same. Everytime I would turn to tell ma colleague in Mandarin, "Give me a fish tank." That's big enough to contain all ma blood that I will vomit from servin' all these students.
Ok enough of the bad things. Now I will share the good things that happened to me :))
Last weekend I had ma dream come true...! Ever since last year when ma dreams kept gettin' dashed due to various reasons such as the demonstrations in the country and ma dad's health. But finally last weekend, I could fly to Bangkok with an ease of mind. ^^ Traffic jam in BKK was really bad on the second day - we could get stuck at one same spot for 20 minutes! Gettin' from one mall to another mall could take about an hour....
14 Aug: Mamma Mia musical
Work for the past week has been horribly busy due to the withdrawal period that takes place twice a year. For those who are still unsure of what sai kang (shit job) I'm doin', I actually work in a school and I handle student matters at the counter. So, I've got ma fair share of experience with shit students and customers, whether they are local or foreigners. They give me headache all the same. Everytime I would turn to tell ma colleague in Mandarin, "Give me a fish tank." That's big enough to contain all ma blood that I will vomit from servin' all these students.
Ok enough of the bad things. Now I will share the good things that happened to me :))
Last weekend I had ma dream come true...! Ever since last year when ma dreams kept gettin' dashed due to various reasons such as the demonstrations in the country and ma dad's health. But finally last weekend, I could fly to Bangkok with an ease of mind. ^^ Traffic jam in BKK was really bad on the second day - we could get stuck at one same spot for 20 minutes! Gettin' from one mall to another mall could take about an hour....
14 Aug: Mamma Mia musical

Cherry and me

She prepared this to welcome me at the airport hahaa

Mamma Mia! Damn good choreography and singing

Muse club

Funky Villa club

DEMO club. A lot of famous and popular actors/actresses/singers
frequent this club. Cherry happens to know the partner of DEMO
so she brought me there and he treated me to 2 glasses of beer,
one big one small lol

Me in ma hotel room.. oh I love it coz it's pink and red!!
15 Aug: Shopping day

Jap restaurant in MBK

Ma favourite beef!

Enjoyin' the durian Cherry bought for me


Bling-bling... I like~

Entrance of ma hotel

Damn cute!


I was supposed to look damn tired in this pic but it ended up
David commented I looked like some homeless auntie
who lost money in stocks.

Our purchases for the day. Hmmmm not that satisfying.
So the next day after checkin' out I pulled ma luggage and
rushed to Platinum mall to do ma last minute shopping wahaha.

Piak and Cherry in DEMO club

Piak treated me to 2 big glasses of
beer that night... *intoxicated*

Goin' back to ma hotel hehe.
16 Aug: Last minute shopping and flyin' home

On our way to the airport from Platinum mall
after doin' our shopping

Ordered thai fried rice with chilli paste, one bowl of green curry
and fruit punch shake. So hungry na ka.... needed good thai food in
Thailand one last time!!

Me on the plane, still lookin' calm and composed
after runnin' to the plane (it was FINAL CALL).
There was this bloody Singaporean man who cut the queue in front of me at the part where we gotta scan our bags. He told the officers, "Ma gate is closing now ok, can you let me go first." Then I looked at his boarding pass and saw it was the same flight as mine! I was like "Hey ma gate is also closing!" but I doubt he heard. So after I was done with the scanning part, I ran to the plane and I was freakin' lookin' for that fucker while walkin' to ma seat. Count himself lucky I didnt see him. If I found him I would fuck him upside down and I wouldnt even give a damn whether I would be loud or not. Bloody selfish asshole.

Goodbye Bangkok... I will be back!
And thus it's the end of ma happenings in life... for now. Anticipatin' the next trips which would be in September and November! Managed to squeeze out more leaves from the 1.5 Annual Leave that I initially had left for the year... power!