Last weekend I believe is ma final long weekend before the commencement of our 24-hour rotating shift. Apparently in ma entire group, I'm the only one who got an off day on Monday... And then on Tuesday I had a roadshow to do. So I actually stayed away from ma workplace for 4 days. Everyone was so envious of me haha!!...
I, together with Angele, Jacq and another colleague of theirs, headed to Rose's house for her baby's full-month celebration. There was a buffet spread and yummy cakes for dessert. After food came wine! Shiraz 2008 if I didn't remember wrongly. Freakin' strong but I still drank a few glasses lol.
Album link: Rose's baby's full month ^^
Rest day at home.... Nice.
Another rest day.... But on this day I went out to Harbourfront to meet up with ma colleagues. I actually wanted to pass to ma colleague some documents for scanning, but I ended up meetin' a whole group of them as a colleague was treatin' us to a farewell meal..... ;((
Chilled out at Starbucks after the meal with two colleagues, then I went to town with one of them for some window-shopping. Thought of gettin' some Korean fashion magazines from Kinokuniya...
Roadshow at Chinatown. Wanted to kill ma colleague for makin' me wait at the subway station for him but in the end he reached the roadshow venue before me due to miscommunication. And I had to literally rush to the venue despite being half an hour early at the station... -___-!!! Anyway when we reached there, nobody was around except for the security guard guardin' the booth. So we were still uber early...
I, together with Angele, Jacq and another colleague of theirs, headed to Rose's house for her baby's full-month celebration. There was a buffet spread and yummy cakes for dessert. After food came wine! Shiraz 2008 if I didn't remember wrongly. Freakin' strong but I still drank a few glasses lol.
Album link: Rose's baby's full month ^^
Rest day at home.... Nice.
Another rest day.... But on this day I went out to Harbourfront to meet up with ma colleagues. I actually wanted to pass to ma colleague some documents for scanning, but I ended up meetin' a whole group of them as a colleague was treatin' us to a farewell meal..... ;((
Chilled out at Starbucks after the meal with two colleagues, then I went to town with one of them for some window-shopping. Thought of gettin' some Korean fashion magazines from Kinokuniya...
Roadshow at Chinatown. Wanted to kill ma colleague for makin' me wait at the subway station for him but in the end he reached the roadshow venue before me due to miscommunication. And I had to literally rush to the venue despite being half an hour early at the station... -___-!!! Anyway when we reached there, nobody was around except for the security guard guardin' the booth. So we were still uber early...

Within the first 2 hours, I could already feel ma throat like a broken-down recorder. Finally at around 2pm we went for lunch. Gotta look for an eatery where we could get a request for reimbursement.
So ma colleague and I walked and walked and finally we found one eatery house but their service sucked to the core! I asked initially if they could generate a receipt and that China lady said yes. After orderin', she keyed in all the stuff into her cash machine but in the end nothing came out. She added one more drink item into the machine and the receipt came out that amount for the drink. Then she wrote the total amount on that receipt. I told ma colleague, "How the hell would they believe this receipt?" So he went back to the cashier to request for another receipt, and he came back with a similar receipt with only the correct amount.
Besides this, they didn't deliver to us our "salad prawn" and watermelon juice. We had to go and ask for them. And then the "salad prawn" turned out to be "fish cake with mayonnaise". Vegetarian food... omg sucks. Simply a bad experience.
Went back to the roadshow booth and had another bad half of the day. Uncle shoutin' and everybody squeezin' to get lucky draw cards. There are even people who could tell lies to get an extra lucky draw card. Omg.............. nothing to say.
Next Sunday I'm gonna do the roadshow again... I've developed a phobia already. ;((
Clocked in at work and then I left the island shortly for ma interview with the CRA. The lady who interviewed me was suuuuuper nice.... Perhaps coz I picked up her call and reached there early? She even told another interviewer that I'm a very sweet girl and that I brightened up her day. Haha... Hope she will put in some good words for me so I can get ma license.... ;x
Went back to the island after that and I started to get really busy... Ma Assistant Manager kept gettin' me to do this and that... Almost couldn't breathe!!
Thursday (yesterday)
Super busy for the whole day at work. Super crowded and many things to do.... But all I can say is that it's good practice. Much much better than before. I hope I will improve and learn more along the way... ^^
Took the night transport and I was the first to alight from the bus. Lol so I live the nearest from our workplace. I told ma colleague everyone on the bus was gonna be envious of me wahaha.
Friday (today)
Gonna do ma first midnight shift ever in ma life tonight... I'm somehow excited as I don't know what it's gonna be like! Anyway I'm meetin' ma colleague in the evening in town to get BB cream... Only Orchard Road has Etude House. And in Singapore there are only 2 Etude House outlets. They should open more outlets islandwide!!! And I thought of changin' ma cosmetics from Chanel to Laneige... I'm a supporter of Korean brands. ^^
So ma colleague and I walked and walked and finally we found one eatery house but their service sucked to the core! I asked initially if they could generate a receipt and that China lady said yes. After orderin', she keyed in all the stuff into her cash machine but in the end nothing came out. She added one more drink item into the machine and the receipt came out that amount for the drink. Then she wrote the total amount on that receipt. I told ma colleague, "How the hell would they believe this receipt?" So he went back to the cashier to request for another receipt, and he came back with a similar receipt with only the correct amount.
Besides this, they didn't deliver to us our "salad prawn" and watermelon juice. We had to go and ask for them. And then the "salad prawn" turned out to be "fish cake with mayonnaise". Vegetarian food... omg sucks. Simply a bad experience.
Went back to the roadshow booth and had another bad half of the day. Uncle shoutin' and everybody squeezin' to get lucky draw cards. There are even people who could tell lies to get an extra lucky draw card. Omg.............. nothing to say.
Next Sunday I'm gonna do the roadshow again... I've developed a phobia already. ;((
Clocked in at work and then I left the island shortly for ma interview with the CRA. The lady who interviewed me was suuuuuper nice.... Perhaps coz I picked up her call and reached there early? She even told another interviewer that I'm a very sweet girl and that I brightened up her day. Haha... Hope she will put in some good words for me so I can get ma license.... ;x
Went back to the island after that and I started to get really busy... Ma Assistant Manager kept gettin' me to do this and that... Almost couldn't breathe!!
Thursday (yesterday)
Super busy for the whole day at work. Super crowded and many things to do.... But all I can say is that it's good practice. Much much better than before. I hope I will improve and learn more along the way... ^^
Took the night transport and I was the first to alight from the bus. Lol so I live the nearest from our workplace. I told ma colleague everyone on the bus was gonna be envious of me wahaha.
Friday (today)
Gonna do ma first midnight shift ever in ma life tonight... I'm somehow excited as I don't know what it's gonna be like! Anyway I'm meetin' ma colleague in the evening in town to get BB cream... Only Orchard Road has Etude House. And in Singapore there are only 2 Etude House outlets. They should open more outlets islandwide!!! And I thought of changin' ma cosmetics from Chanel to Laneige... I'm a supporter of Korean brands. ^^