Thursday, September 24, 2009
On sick leave...
Monday, September 21, 2009
A nightmare that seemed so real
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Guys tryin' to act "himbotic"?
Suddenly, I saw them standin' in front of me. There were 4 of them, I think.
Guy A: Hi.
Me: Yah... hi.
Guy A to his friends: Eh I said Hi already!
Guy B came sittin' at ma counter.
Guy B: Do you have a list of companies with which we can apply for attachment?
Me: Hmmm.. You can write in to Nancy to get the list.
Guy C to his friends: Who is Nancy..?
Me: Oh, Nancy is the course coordinator for ACCA course.
Guy B turned to his friends, lookin' super puzzled.
Guy B: But we're not in ACCA, we're takin' Hospitality.
Me: -____-!!! You can go to Counters 7 and 8 at the other side to ask.
Happy birthday, ai ai!!
I first met up with Xian to walk around and then Fong came to join us at Vivocity... went to do some recce for good and affordable food before Fong's arrival. Couldn't be too expensive, must be only about 10 dollars per pax (oh well we're both too broke). Therefore after some consideration, we found ourselves queuein' outside Kim Gary Hong Kong restaurant.

Ai ai and our minced beef french fries

Playful Xian. Can you see the difference in size of our bowls?
So actually I don't eat the most ;p

After dinner, we went to get some fake lashes for Fong to make her even more stunning that night. Xian helped to apply eyeliner and I helped to put on the lashes for her. Hahaha the results was not bad indeed!
Xian, I think we both can venture into a partnership and become lady bosses of a Make-up Artist business.
Anyway, we went to St James Power Station and entered Dragonfly before 9pm. Lol so early, yes but we just gotta enjoy the free entrance and all. We ordered 2 towers of Tiger beer and also a bottle of Chivas.

Our twin tower ;p

Me and the 寿星婆 hahaa


Forced to do this in front of the cam lol

Oh we kept toastin' and toastin' like nobody's business...
ended up we drank so much, the girls got intoxicated pretty early.

Just another random pic among
the whole lot... wahaha

SCBF [siao cha bor (mad woman) family] reunion!!!
Very funny, Fong went home early without a word coz she was too drunk, Minrui gf was sittin' still and looked like she couldn't see anybody at all. Only left me, Jace and Bebe who were actually more sober. And plus some guys whom I totally didn't know at all. There was one cute one sharin' the tables with us but nah I got no interest in local guys. Hahahaha ;pp
I left the club with Bebe at 3.30am while I got no clue where the rest of the people went to. It's been so long since I last went home from clubbing so late. I must say that I really enjoyed ma'self a lot, a lot.
Love you babes! We shall meet up again soon, yeah?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Rendezvous @ Sentosa
Already made plans to meet Angele and Kylie at 12 noon at Vivocity for lunch and then proceed to Sentosa to check in to Rasa Sentosa. But there came an SMS early in the morning from Ky sayin' that she had diarrhoea and fever thus she couldn't make it for the outing. And then it was like rainin' since 7am and till 10am+ it was still drizzlin' so I texted Angele to tell her we should meet at 2pm instead and that we couldn't go suntanning since there was no sun. So yeah, we met up at 2.15pm coz I was late (I'm one of the Late Queens at work hahaha).
Had lunch at Burger King and then we went shopping at Forever21. A bright hotpink bikini top caught ma eye so I bought it even though it's a little too big for me coz it's M size. It's only SGD 28! So cheap lah. How can I not buy?
Finally we set off to Sentosa Island by skytram. On the tram, both of us somehow realised we didn't know where Rasa Sentosa Resort is on the island. Then I told Angele, "Kylie seems to be the organizer - she books the resort for us and then we just go without doin' any research on its location, how to get there and stuff." Just like some kampong (village) bimbos who haven't gone on a holiday on their own before. Hahaha.

Resorts World under construction

On the tram reachin' Beach Station

Well, we got kinda lost over there so we walked up and down the bus interchange to seek directions. Hehe. I almost wanted to approach 2 guys whom I thought were the staff but they were actually also tourists.

Babe in blue beside Blue Line stand

Paparazzi in action, lol!

I'm so so so gonna take this roller coaster ride
when it's up next year!!!
From Beach Station to Siloso Point stop there is a stop in between which is the Imbiah Lookout stop. When the bus stopped there, suddenly Angele exclaimed, "Hey it's this stop, let's get down!" At that moment I was like still packin' ma bag or something and then I had to hurry to zip ma bag and carry ma plastic bag and netbook and hurry down the bus. And then we realised, it's not the stop we were supposed to alight. She thought when the bus stopped earlier it was Imbiah Lookout stop. LOL. Even the staff standin' at the bus stop kinda laughed at our stupidity. Hmmmmph!!! He kept sayin' "It's the next stop. Get off at the next stop." Lol!

Rasa Sentosa, here the havoc girls come!
Faced some problems at the front office while checkin' in. Coz the room was booked under Ky's name initially, and now that Ky couldn't come, she called the hotel in advance to inform them to change the reservation under ma name. But she didn't tell us it was ma name that she told the hotel so the front office fella had to take some time searchin' for our reservation. Then finally the fella took ma identity card which was restin' on the desk for a long time and at last he found our reservation. -___-!!

Must buy 4D - 0947

This is our room, at 50% off normal rate wahahaha.

Angele feeling-feeling.. hahaha

Sea view

Next time we will go book that kinda room. Big balcony!

We went out after explorin' and camwhorin' in the room lol. Wanted to check out the Luge ride and also ma favourite simulator ride. As usual, we had to decipher the map and find our way. We took the tram to Imbiah Station as the attractions are all clustered at that area.

A pose with our great Merlion

Had a tough time tryin' to get a good shot while maintainin' a natural smile. Apparently I had a lot of shots with a constipated smile
coz the water took too long to come lol.

Observatory deck that travels up and down
As we walked, we found our way to the place I wanted to go - Sentosa 4D Magix!!! It's the simulator ride I have always wanted to take since primary school... it's like you gotta wear a 4D-effect goggle in the theatre and then you sit on the chair then it shakes you as though you're on a real ride kinda thing. Damn best!

Ready for the Extreme Log Ride!
Hahaha this ride is damn good. Made me scream and laugh at the same time. I shouted "Ahh pain!" Angele asked me if I knocked ma'self against the seat. I said, "No, the effect on the screen made me visualize the pain!"
After Extreme Log Ride, we proceeded to take the Pirates ride. Also another funny one, Angele laughed hard at me.

There was a part where crabs were crawlin' out from a hole and gonna attack one of the pirates who was caught in a trap. Then suddenly sharp bolts of wind blew from the bottom of our seats and I lifted up ma legs damn high coz I thought they were crabs. And there were also parts where water droplets were sprayed from above. Made us cold and wet!!! Lol. Super fun...

Yeah after the 4D Magix, we came back to this Luge ride... as I hadn't tried it before, I was a bit scared but then I decided to give it a try and we bought the 2-ride package. Oh ma god I didn't regret at all. It was DAMN FUN! Like a go-kart kinda ride. Plus you get to take the open-air cable car up the hill. I super love to take cable car. ;p

Our feet high up in the air

I always lost to Angele and came in second! And the crew in charge was also funny. The first time I reached the finishing point, the guy said into a cone, "Please stand upppppp." The second time I reached the finishing point, the same guy said into the cone, "Please move forwaaaarrrrddd." I just said, "Aiyah! Don't need lah!" and the poor guy had to come and move it forward himself hahahah. Angele told me that he told her, "Your friend ah..." wahahaha he must be thinkin' I'm such a troublesome customer. Lalalala~~~

We took the beach tram to Palawan beach from Beach Station.

Look like lobsters
Settled our dinner at KouFu which closes at 10pm. We spoke in Mandarin to one of the stall holders whose stall seemed to still be open as we wanted to ask if they had closed for the day. But she didn't seem to understand what we were askin'. Then we spoke in English, she looked even more blur. So, we asked in Mandarin again. And then she replied in Mandarin. And then she commented, "I don't understand English so when you asked me in English I didn't know what you were talkin' about." Then Angele and I responded, "But we talked in Mandarin to you in the beginning." Duh!!! Eh, helloooo auntie this is Sentosa, full of tourists who can't speak Mandarin. So how can you not know English????

Super not nice lah this curry fried rice!!!
Didn't even finish half of it....

Angele's vegetarian noodles

Waited for a while for the mini bus to arrive and bring us back to Beach Station. There was one bunch of people dressed up quite decently, guess they went for some function earlier. So when the mini bus arrived, the group of people hopped on. There was only one seat left. They asked us to get up the mini bus and then one of the guys very openly told the guy who was sittin' alone to give up the seat for us so that we could sit together. Everyone includin' me and Angele began laughin'.... so I said in Mandarin, "Thank youuuu~~~~" Then the guy replied, "Thank you for gettin' up the bus with us." Again, everyone laughed and made weird noises. Well!!!!! Lol.
Reached Beach Station and we got very fascinated by what appeared before us!

Me happily posin' when ma favourite color came HEHEHEHE
We were standin' at this roundabout so Angele and I kept runnin' on the road to the side to give way to oncoming vehicles lol.
After havin' enough fun takin' photos, we took another mini bus to Siloso beach for a drink there.

I love this shot! Thanks babe ;p
Shortly, we arrived at Cafe del Mar.

Stared into the menu for quite some time as we had not much idea what drink to order. I thought of gettin' hoegaarden beer but then again I should try some special cocktail or something.
So I hereby announce: I had a blowjob at Cafe del Mar.
Blowjob is the name of the shooter that I ordered. LOL!
The waiter came and I made the order. "Can we have one Boston Beach Party, this one *silently pointin' on the menu at "Blowjob"*, and also calamari rings." Too "shy" to say the explicit word.
Come to think of it, it would have been funny if I said, "I would like to have a Blowjob and a Quick Fuck, Sex On The Beach and then a Screaming Orgasm."

Calamari rings

This is the Blowjob I had.

Ready for the Blowjob


Clean blowjob done ;p

Angele's Boston Beach Party
We slacked and enjoyed some music till around 11pm and then it was time to go back to our hotel since there wasn't much to do already at that time. We walked back and along the way there wasn't a single soul around. Thus we decided to play at the beach and take some random photos (this is what we enjoy a lot!).

S I L O S O!

Tryin' to get into the Bollywood mood. Hahahaa

This is how Rasa Sentosa looks like at night

Nonsense. LOL

Sexy Angele ;x

She says this doesn't look like me. But it's indeed me!

Got back to the first level where the game arcade, billiard tables and table tennis tables are. We decided to pop into the arcade room to play some games. So we played Daytona, Dance Dance Revolution (super old-school I know), and Basketball. Then we went out to play table tennis. Hahahaha we were runnin' after that 1-dollar-worth ping pong ball around coz I wasn't that pro in table tennis. And I was laughin' like a looney that the father and son who were playin' probably left shortly coz of me. HAHAHAHA. Heck care man!
We went out again to the bus stop to get a drink from the vending machine which would definitely cost cheaper than the mini-bar in our room for goodness sake! Well we didn't have enough coins so we just got 1 bottle of 100Plus and we shared. Stupid fridge in the room also was spoilt I think - not cold at all! Irritating.

Supposed to look damn lethargic but
we ended up lookin' spastic? LOL!

Took a gooood shower and I uploaded the photos to ma netbook. And at the same time we were watchin' this "Let's Speak Korean!" show on Arirang channel in which 4 foreigners participate in the show to learn and be tested their Korean skills. I also managed to learn some verbs from the show like "bitter", "sour", "too spicy", "very sweet", "a little salty". Lol!
Angele fell asleep shortly at around 1am. And I turned in past 3am when I finally got sleepy. Woke up the next morning at 11am and we were kinda panicky coz we wanted to wake up 1 hour earlier LOL. I can tell you, the bed is SOOOOO comfortable, no one of us wanted to get up at all!!!
Reluctantly checked outta the hotel at noon. Sigh... happy time flies just real fast. Just less than 24 hours and we had to say Bye to Sentosa. :(((
We rushed to take the bus back to Beach Station and then took the skytram back to Singapore main island. Took a cab to work and had our lunch hurrily in the back room. Then we started tellin' Ky and everyone else about our rendezvous at Sentosa. Hahahaa!
Let's hope hard that another promo will come soon and then we can organise another one-night stay over there!!! ;))
Ky - No more diarrhoea and fever for you!!!!!!!