Just last night, I got one of the worst nightmares that made me panic like hell. Something that was so real, I was totally convinced but I was so hopin' that it was just a dream.
I pushed someone whom I know off the building when that guy was sittin' on the ledge.
For what purpose, I'm not too sure. Maybe in the dream I was pissed off with him and kinda wanted him dead?
I went downstairs to take a look. There was another body lying on the ground but I don't think I pushed him/her as well. That person was dead, but the guy whom I pushed down wasn't. His eyes had some movement still.
I walked past him and he started callin' and shoutin' ma name. I walked away damn fast and not before long, I saw him chasin' after me and damn closely behind me.
I was scared to death man!! I was so damn afraid he would report me to the police and then I would be caught and thrown behind bars or maybe sentenced to death. I still remember vividly in ma dream, how I kept askin' ma'self if it was a dream. But, I was so convinced that everything was real. It was after some time then I woke up from the dream and I heaved a big sigh of relieve.
On MSN this afternoon, I told Eve about ma dream and then she told me she once dreamt she killed someone and used his bones as decorations. Hahahaa! Sounds damn funny but that also reminded me of ma past dreams. I think I also once dreamt that I killed someone..... Well I've got lotsa crazy dreams like being gun shot by someone, friend being slayed in the neck beside me in the van, etc etc. ;((
Now I'm so afraid to sleep coz I don't wanna go thru that again, I might just go crazy soon. Arghhh.....