14 February 2010 marks Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day and also the opening day of our casino. Spotted many huge cameras and photographers and media just outside the casino, waitin' to film the opening ceremony. At 12.18pm (the auspicious hour) when we officially allowed entry into the casino, it looked almost like there was a tsunami. Too many people.... And the crowd got bigger and bigger towards later part of the day, and not forgettin' the dragon queue outside the membership counter.
Supposed to be a happy occasion but ma mood was ruined by certain people. Not from ma department of course, I love ma colleagues too much. All wonderful people!!
Just not happy that I had to look at their faces as long as a horse's. Even guests didn't show me a black face; they were all kind to me and understanding! Silver, Gold and Platinum guests, mind you. I'm particularly unhappy with one guy who actually rolled his eyes at me. Wtf... I will find ma chance to roll ma eyes at him too! Who the hell does he think he is? Not even a guest here. He wanna scold me, then I scold who? I scold the system? Or I scold the person who created this system? Bloody hell.... Got no eyes to see I was so busy with so many cards? Everyone just freakin' pushed their guests' cards to me sayin' I had to process for them "NOW". Well, I should practise something called "selective hearing".
I'd rather face the uncles and aunties than "those" people... At least some of the uncles and aunties are friendly and lovable.
Today is ma off day and I can have a good break from work. But startin' from tomorrow, it will be a stretch of 6-day work non-stop. Sian...
Oh, too bad I missed the firecrackers and even more unfortunately, I missed ma chance to appear on TV!!!!
Anyway.... At almost midnight I met up with Angele at Clarke Quay and settled down at Yello Jello for some margarita and beer. Had to destress ma'self before I see ma'self in distress....

Joined the queue at the cab stand and we waited for an hour for our turn to get a cab!!! Totally horrid....
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!!