Thursday, 8 October 2009
For days I had been lookin' forward to this day to drown ma stress and frustration with beer and goooood food. And the company matters too...
Damn happy to have met up with Angie after such a long time ever since she left for another job. Almost thought she wouldn't turn up since we made a thousand missed calls to her even till 9pm+. Finally she picked up ma call and she was still in the office lol... pity her.
Jacq, Kylie and I arrived at Timbre and joined Angele and Siti at the table. Angie came later.
For days I had been lookin' forward to this day to drown ma stress and frustration with beer and goooood food. And the company matters too...
Damn happy to have met up with Angie after such a long time ever since she left for another job. Almost thought she wouldn't turn up since we made a thousand missed calls to her even till 9pm+. Finally she picked up ma call and she was still in the office lol... pity her.
Jacq, Kylie and I arrived at Timbre and joined Angele and Siti at the table. Angie came later.


Pizza with Erdinger ;))

Seafood pizza

Can't remember what pizza this is but damn delicious...
I wanted Roasted Duck pizza but none of them likes it... so saddddddd... ;(((

We were chillin' with The Goodfellas ;))
Too bad Jacq didn't go and take a photo with the guy in red checkered shirt... never mind next time next time. We will invite him over to our table... Hahahaha~~
Here come photos displayin' extreme randomness...

So hungry,
so delighted to see good food

Angele and me :))

Love you Bestie

Angele with her strawberry daiquiri (is it?)

Angie, Angele, me

Kylie playin' with ma camera

Bestiessssssss *hearts*

Angie looks like being forced hahahahaha

Kylie's classic face, no one can beat it...

Cute lol
Saw Mediacorp artistes Jade Seah and Rosalyn there too... and both were wearin' hats. Is it a trend for artistes to wear hats when they go out?
Anyway, let's go to Timbre again next month! Wahaha.