27 September 2009.... The day of the F1 night race in Singapore.
But nah, I'm not referrin' to this! Hehe.
It's no doubt a Sunday which everyone had been long awaitin' to come.... Days and weeks of shit work had been drownin' us till we were almost suffocated!!! At last, we could go over-the-sea for some fun and retail therapy... Good way to destress. ;))
Early in the morning at 8.30am, all 11 of us gathered at our office building waitin' for the mini-bus to pick us up. To our surprise, our driver for the day was a young and not bad looking man who is actually Reann's friend. Patsy and Mary were so 'high' over him. HAHAHAHA.
But nah, I'm not referrin' to this! Hehe.
It's no doubt a Sunday which everyone had been long awaitin' to come.... Days and weeks of shit work had been drownin' us till we were almost suffocated!!! At last, we could go over-the-sea for some fun and retail therapy... Good way to destress. ;))
Early in the morning at 8.30am, all 11 of us gathered at our office building waitin' for the mini-bus to pick us up. To our surprise, our driver for the day was a young and not bad looking man who is actually Reann's friend. Patsy and Mary were so 'high' over him. HAHAHAHA.

Here we come... Johor Bahru!

Our first destination was Ah Soon Bak Kut Teh (pork ribs soup) restaurant for breakfast.

The whole department

Cheers! Lol..

Sizzlin' hot bak kut teh!

Damn good chicken dish
Malaysia's bak kut teh is really good.... thumbs up!
After breakfast Reann and her driver friend Louis brought us to one shop that sells mooncake and local products such as snacks. So, we were shoppin' inside and I bought Popo muruku as usual!!! Awwww ma favourite Popo... *yumss*
Then, I thought we would set off to shopping malls already but no! They were still bringin' us to another 2 mooncake shops. Mary and I were like "Hahhhhh mooncake again!!!" The thing is, we were one of the smallest sized ladies that's why we gotta get onto the mini-bus first and sit at the back. And we gotta squeeeeeeze through inside due to the extreme space constraint. Therefore, we were kinda sick of gettin' up and down the mini-bus so many times.... ;\\
Nevertheless, we went into the shops and tried alot of samples. Ma main targets were their durian and charcoal snowskin mooncakes. Lol. In the end I didn't buy anything. Well, this is the style of typical Singaporeans...... Hahahaha.
Next destination: JUSCO, AEON Bukit Indah shopping mall. We were given only 1 hour to shop. Therefore, anything we just WHACKED!

I bought 1 pair of slippers at RM 14.90 (about SGD 6), and 4 boxes of contact lenses (buy 3 get 1 free) at only RM 195 (SGD 82)... damn damn damn cheap can!!! Best ah!
And ma last shop was Etude House... I got 2 nail colors and facial foam and eyeliner. Yay!! Love the nail colors.
Next stop was Sutera Mall.

Very excited to go there coz I thought I would be able to get some shoes and clothings for ma'self!! But in the end I only bought a jacket at RM 69.90 (about SGD 29) and that's about it. Oh goshhh!!!! Can't believe it.... A shopaholic like me couldn't get anything?!?!
Anyway Jacq and I thought of droppin' by City Square as our last shopping destination but majority thought settin' off to Lillian's house would be a better idea.

Byebye Sutera Mall....!!
Here we are, Lillian's house at 20th floor. Suuuuper high!!!! Fortunately I'm not afraid of heights and I damn love the view from her balcony....

We started to gather at the table to play Ban Luck aka Black Jack. Super fun...!

Kylie was rackin' her brain hard lol
After a round of Ban Luck, it was time for the 主角 to show itself.

Did you see that?? DURIAN!!!!!!!! I heart durian....

We cleared the table after finishin' the durian and resumed our game of Ban Luck. Not bad lah, I won quite some money, even though I can't remember how much money I started with. Most of us won money... only the bankers like Nancy and Lillian's husband lost money I think hahahaha poor them.
It was already around 6.30pm when we finished our Ban Luck and Mahjong games. Decided it was time to set off for seafood dinner!!!
A few of us took Lillian's car and the rest took the mini-bus. Luckily I sat in Lillian's car coz it wasn't as squeezy as the mini-bus for sure. And it was much much more comfortable! The journey took about 45 minutes from Lillian's place to the seafood restaurant... We took a nap and when we arrived, Mary asked me if I slept. Coz ma eyes couldn't open big. Hahahaa.

Merlot brought from Lillian's place...
very smooth, good to drink!

Cheers again, this time with lime juice wahahaa~
Even the next table also wanted to toast with us HAHAHA

Shirley and me ;p

Czelyn and Cheryn hehehe

Finally.. for those who have been wonderin' about the young and
not bad looking driver's face from the beginning.... tadaaaa!
Our sumptuous meal begins....

Ma favourite cereal prawn.... only after we had almost finished up
everything then I remembered to take a photo of it ahhaha.
Hmmm.. both Jacq and I feel that the seafood here is not as fantastic as the one we always eat at another place.
Towards the end of the meal, we decided to order one big bottle of Heineken beer to be shared among few of us. They kept tellin' me not to drink coz I would get intoxicated easily.... but they know ma face and eyes will turn red very fast but I will not be drunk. HAHAHAHA!!!
So, Louis kept askin' me if I needed a plastic bag just in case I would wanna vomit since the journey would be bumpy.
And the rest kept tellin' me not to laugh once we were at the immigrations coz the officers might think I was on drugs and then they would bring me for urine test and everything. HAHAHAHAHAHA what the hell!!!!
We arrived at Somerset at around 9.30pm but I felt as though it was like 11pm already.
We should organise a trip to Malacca the next time... :)))
Towards the end of the meal, we decided to order one big bottle of Heineken beer to be shared among few of us. They kept tellin' me not to drink coz I would get intoxicated easily.... but they know ma face and eyes will turn red very fast but I will not be drunk. HAHAHAHA!!!
So, Louis kept askin' me if I needed a plastic bag just in case I would wanna vomit since the journey would be bumpy.
And the rest kept tellin' me not to laugh once we were at the immigrations coz the officers might think I was on drugs and then they would bring me for urine test and everything. HAHAHAHAHAHA what the hell!!!!
We arrived at Somerset at around 9.30pm but I felt as though it was like 11pm already.
We should organise a trip to Malacca the next time... :)))